Category Archives: News
AES X246 out for comment
AES X246 proposal for standards is out from the SC-02-05 working group.
This give the working group an opportunity to comment on a pattern describing Pair order and caveats of using QTP.
Not letting anything out of the bag because the manufacturers are mixed around.
Something magical about the Quad choice. QTP-4-Everyone
The Audio Engineering Society and QTP
QTP Cable Price Request
I know you’re curious about what QTP costs, There is a new button on the menu!
Click QTP-Cable Quote to receive an MSRP quote in Canadian Dollars
QTP-DB25M and QTP-25F
QTP AT NAB 2015!!! Not a Rumour anymore! #QTP #Ward-Beck Systems booth C2541
Karl Machat did a fantastic summary of the AES meeting for the report. I’m very happy he found it engaging!